“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
Jesus (from John 14:46)
The Christian experience, from start to finish, is a journey! In this stage of learning our goal is to set firm foundations on who Jesus is, what He taught and how to follow Him.
Jesus said, “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.” (Matthew 7:24). Those who truly understand the essentials are building on a solid foundation.
Below are some practical starting points for you. If you commit to the advice below you will be well on your way to knowing more about Jesus.
Get a Bible in an easy to understand translation (NLT, NIV, ESV). You can download the YouVersion Bible App for free here. If you don’t have a Bible, ask Simon or Maria and we can get you one for free! Start by reading one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).
Get to church regularly. Church on Sunday is aimed to help you be encouraged by others and learn more about life with God. By simply committing to gather with other believers you will help your faith journey in so many ways! Each Sunday teaching is also available on our Podcast here.
Join a Connect Group. The Christian life is meant to be lived in community with others. Connect Groups run fortnightly for most of the year. Find out more here.
Download and read our FREE “You Said Yes” ebook. This is a booklet designed to read for 5 minutes each day for 21 days. It will help you SO MUCH on your journey of following Jesus.
Faith Essentials. Learn about 4 foundational topics through our Faith Essentials Short Course.
You can watch them below!
(This the a playlist of videos, part 2-4 are next in the cue.)
What should I read?
Growing in your knowledge and understanding of following Jesus will require reading. Reading is a muscle that we all need to get good at using! You may not be a big reader - but you can start somewhere! Plus, there are many audio book resources available as well (like Audible)
At this stage in your faith journey we strongly encourage reading your Bible regularly.
We also recommend completeing the “You Said Yes” ebook above. This is booklet designed to read for 5 minutes each day for 21 days. It will help you SO MUCH on your journey of following Jesus.
Apart from that here are some recommended books that help you grow:
A 2 part series on our church’s 4 core values.
where to from here?
There is no timeframe but when you feel as though you understand the topics and truths covered on this page you can move to the next: Maturing in Your Faith.