Hey Everyone!

We took some time on our 2025 Vision Sunday in Februray to outline some of the dreams in our heart for Everyone Church and we have summarised this briefly here.

This is not everything and it does not include all the details - But we wanted to put something down in writing for you to see and pray for along with us.

If something on this page grips your heart - please talk to us! You may be a key part of what God wants to do in our church.

Let’s see what God does little by little!

Simon & Maria
Lead Pastors
Everyone Church

If you missed our Vision Sunday services you can listen to a podcast version on all platforms or right here!

Services & Venue

We are now settling into our new venue at the Oran Park Hotel! We currently meet in The Cellar Room (ground floor) until they finish building the second floor. Once that is complete we will move into a larger room!

We thank God for His faithfulness in answering our prayers for a new venue!

In previous years we have had Online Weeks in the school holidays. We may still do this in the winter school holidays (July 6th & 13th).

All dates and details are on our events page.

Outreach Events

Firstly, we see every service we have as an outreach! We do our best to make our services welcoming and friendly for those who don’t normally go to church!

Remember – sharing the Gospel is not an event… it is your mission as a Christian!

This year we have 2 BIG church outreaches:

April 20th – Easter Sunday Fun Day
December 13th – Carols in the Park

We are also planning to host Alpha again this year!

- Pray with us for these events!
- Volunteer for these key events to help out
- Invite everyone you can!

We love our kid’s ministry! We believe we have something really special happening with the kids in our church.

Maria will continue to oversee our amazing volunteer team. We want this to be a safe place for all of our kids.

Our goal is not just child care on Sundays - it is to invest in the next generation.

This year we have lots planned especially in the area of missions where our kids will be feeding at least 20 children in Uganda for a WHOLE YEAR!

Recently our kids have:
- Helped build a well in Cambodia in 2023
- Fed 19 kids in Uganda for a whole year in 2024

- Join our kids team as a volunteer
- Bring your kids to church

In 2024 we took the first steps toward starting a youth ministry in our church. We held 3 youth nights and they were all amazing!

This year we will continue to do these. Our aim is to do at least 1 event per term this year.

For all upcoming youth events visit here.

We have a dream that little by little there will be a time in the not so distant future where EveryYOUTH will be a amazing youth ministry in our region.

- We need minimum volunteer numbers to host youth events
- Get your teenagers involved :-)

Connect Groups are midweek small groups that meet fortnightly.

These are aimed at being a place for us to KNOW each other and GROW in the things of God. These are all about discipleship!

We have a dream of Connect Groups running all across our region!

Find out more or join a Connect Group here.

- Would you like to lead or host a Connect Group? Let us know!

Grow in your


Our heart is to help each person in our church grow in their walk with Jesus.

We have developed a simple resource pathway that will help you grow in your knowledge and understanding of the ways of Jesus.

Whether you are new to the Christian faith, or you want to take another step in maturity - there is plenty of resource to help you.

Click here to check out ‘Grow in Your Faith’!

We have a growing group of young adults in our church! We are planning to get these amazing people together a few times this year!

- Get to church and be part of what we’re doing
- Pray with us as we plan future events

Young Adults

We have a dream in our heart to one day start a charity arm called Everycare. This year we will begin some very small steps toward setting this up.

Our dream is to see Everycare meet local needs in our community.

- Pray with us as we begin the first steps of setting this up.

There is SO MUCH more we are seeking God for in our future!

Join the journey with us and let’s see Everyone Church go forward in strength!