maturing in
your faith
So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding.
If you’re here that means you know the basics of being a Christian but you want to know more and grow! There is so much of God know and experience!
Growth takes intentionality. We all have areas in our life where we need to grow. We are all a constant work in progress. But we don’t just arrive at spiritual maturity over time or through experience. We must learn to apply the knowledge of God’s Word in our day to day lives! With the help of the Holy Spirit, we must learn to think, feel and choose our day to day lives as Christ would have us.
Keys for continued growth
Spend daily time with Jesus. Read your Bible, pray, worship - don’t neglect the things that sustain your life in Christ. Learn to hear His voice and do what He says!
Get involved in church. By this point you hopefully have an understanding that the Church is important! Jesus loves His church and we are all a part of it. Don’t just attend but get involved! Find your place in the Body of Christ where you can serve others and grow.
Find a Faith Friend (or two, or three!). The Christian life is meant to be lived in community with others. God uses the people around us to help achieve His purposes within us. Find friends who encourage you in your faith.
Turn over stones. There are many areas in our life where we need God to do healing or help us grow in wisdom. God wants to do the work of ‘turning over stones’ in our life so that we can find true healing and freedom. Don’t be scared to ask questions and study for answers, too!
The Practicing The Way
The Practicing The Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and practical exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. The Course is the on-ramp to the Practices and our other resources.
Over eight sessions, you’ll form a foundational understanding of intentional spiritual formation. We’ll explore how to follow Jesus in our busy, distracted, and increasingly secular culture.
GOOD NEWS - This course will be running in Connect Groups throughout 2025!
Recommended reading
(or listening via audiobook)
Other resources
A series about spiritual growth and discipleship.
A 3 part series on hearing the voice of God.
Parts 3 & 4 of a series on Discipleship where talk about how discipleship practically works person to person.
A great in depth series of videos about the Bible, how it came to be and how to read it.
A series of animated videos giving an overview of the whole Old Testament.
A series of animated videos giving an overview of the whole New Testament.
Everyone Church Podcast: Hey, there’s no sense running around finding resource and not leaning in to what is being taught at your home church. Have a scroll through our podcast and see if anything sticks out to you and have a listen!
Practicing the Way: John Mark Comer walks through some practical ways in which we follow Jesus.
Undeceptions with John Dickson: John tackles tough topics with such grace and excellence. If you’re into history, apologetics or just have questions some times - browse this podcast’s episodes and you are sure to find something for you!
The BibleProject Podcast: This is a companion podcast to the BibleProject videos (we recommended some above). The creators of the BibleProject have in-depth conversations about the Bible and theology.
The AC Podcast: A podcast produced by Apologetics Canada that helps you understand and speak the language of our culture and address questions about faith with intellectual honesty, gentleness and respect.
where to from here?
This is one area that we will constantly be working in! We all have areas where we need to grow.
If you feel as though you are maturing in God and want to move to the next step, we encourage you the pray and ask God what He would want you to do next. We also encourage you to get in the habit of pouring your life, knowledge and encouragement into others! Jesus told us to go and make disciples - are you ready to help serve God and people in this way?